
Parking at HGMH - options and frequently asked questions
Parking for patients and visitors is available on the premises of HGMH 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. HGMH assumes no risk or responsibility for damages to, or loss of, a vehicle or its contents, no matter how caused. Owners must go through their insurance company to facilitate repairs to their vehicle. Vehicle owners are liable for any damages caused to Hospital property by their vehicle, and may be subject to charges, if damage is deemed a wilful act by the driver.
- Upon entering the lot, each vehicle will be issued a ticket. Please keep your ticket with you as payment for parking can only be done from inside the hospital.
- When you leave, there are two pay stations: one at the west exit near the pool and one near the Business Office and Emergency area.
- Instructions are provided in both official languages. Several payment options will be accepted: credit cards, debit cards and cash. Pay stations also have a scanning device should you wish to use your smart phone.
Parking rates:
- There is a grace period of 15 minutes of free parking
- 16 to 60 minutes: $3.00
- More than 60 minutes: $5.00
The daily fee of $5.00 will allow users to enter and exit the parking area for 24 hours. Alternatively, passes are available as described below.
Monthly parking passes
A monthly parking pass can be purchased from the Business Office at a cost of $50. This pass is good for unlimited uses for 30 days from the date of purchase. A refundable $5 deposit is required for the parking pass. This deposit is refunded when the card is returned. If your card has been lost or stolen, you must advise the hospital.
Compassionate parking passes
The family of qualifying patients may be eligible for a parking pass for compassionate reasons. The Charge Nurse determines qualifying patients and advises the family to go to the Business Office to request a compassionate parking pass.
A refundable $5 deposit is required for the parking pass. This deposit is refunded when the card is returned. If your card has been lost or stolen, you must advise the hospital.
An additional note on passes
Parking passes grant exits from the parking lot but do not guarantee the availability of a parking space.
How much parking revenue is collected?
In 2015-2016, the total parking revenue collected was $296,545.77. This amount excludes payable HST, but does include the reduced parking rates that staff and physicians pay, as well as any monthly or other passes that are purchased.
How is parking revenue used?
Parking revenues are used to cover costs not covered by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, such as infrastructure improvements and repairs, clinics for specialists to see patients, the therapeutic pool, and other programs. As well, when necessary, parking revenues help cover day to day operational expenses.